The sculptural works, called Gestalten, are composed of hundreds of small objects collected from the streets of Berlin. These individual elements merge to form a new being — one that assigns its components a newfound necessity for existence. The transformation is key: a shift from lost functionality to a new purpose dictated solely by the materiality of the objects. Their placement depends on both their appearance and their physical properties. While much of the process is shaped by aesthetic vision, the inherent nature of each object remains a guiding force.
At times, objects tangled in a heap appear to move on their own. These unintended interactions serve as inspiration, with movement incorporated
as a guiding principle in the process. Observing external phenomena is not viewed as a limitation, but rather as a productive force, deepening engagement with the material. This approach is applied to the thinking as well, constantly combining elements that initially seem unrelated. The process follows no strict rules, yet certain choices yield more successful outcomes than others.

It is fascinating how the figures themselves become teachers. Whether through loose associations or complementary forms, the process is never linear. Each new piece alters the dynamics, demanding continuous adjustments. As more objects are added to the composition, the work increasingly resembles a puzzle, where the search eventually narrows to just a few missing pieces.

Disc #1     2024     found objects, acrylic paint, pigments     43 cm x 37 cm x 10 cm


octopus #1     2024     clay, polish, found objects, acrylic paint, pigments     8 cm x 7 cm x 5 cm

2024    found objects, acrylic paint 

Eiland #1     2024    found objects, acrylic paint     ca. 20 cm x 26 cm x 26 cm

Eiland #2     2024     found objects, acrylic paint     ca. 26 cm  x 30 cm  x 31 cm


Eiland #3     2024     found objects, acrylic paint     ca. 31 cm  x 35 cm  x 32 cm

(2024)     found objects and other materials     ca. 45 cm  x 45 cm  x 8 cm


Die Walze      2024    found objects, acrylic paint     ca. 49 cm x 49 cm x 12 cm

circuit     2024     found objects, clay, acrylic paint     ca. 15 cm x 10 cm x 4,5 cm

wounds    2024     found objects, acrylic paint, hot glue and other materials     ca. 50 cm x 23 cm x 12 cm

pump      2024     found objects, acrylic paint    ca. 40 cm x 38 cm x 38 cm


tendere     2024      found objects, acrylic paint     ca. 32 cm x 24 cm x 24 cm

Crystal     2024     found objects, acrylic paint and other materials     ca. 23 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm
offret     2024     found objects, styrofoam, acrylic paint      ca. 20 cm x 30 cm x 31 cm 


Käferkadaver     2024     found objects, acrylic paint, pigments and other materials     ca. 14 cm x 29 cm x 18 cm


      2024      found objects, acrylic paint and other materials     ca. 21 cm x 32 cm x 32 cm

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